HomeFeaturesEntertainmentMeet New Jersey's Weather-Forecasting Groundhogs

Meet New Jersey’s Weather-Forecasting Groundhogs

Long ago, before weathermen, people had to find their own ways to predict Mother Nature’s plans for the near future. The sun wasn’t just a way to stay warm and catch a tan, it was a guide. In fact, according to German folklore, groundhogs could use it to predict when winter would fade into spring.

So, each year on February 2, Candlemas (as they called it back then) was celebrated. If on a sunny day the groundhog cast a shadow on the ground, it meant six more weeks of winter. However, if the day was cloudy, the groundhog wouldn’t see his shadow, signaling the end of winter was in sight.

Today, despite easy access to the weather on our phones, it’s more fun to embrace the tradition of Groundhog Day. Though we’re within driving distance of such famous groundhogs as Punxsutawney Phil, arguably America’s most famous four-legged weatherman, New Jersey has a few of its own groundhogs who will be ready for their close ups on February 2.

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Milltown Mel II

Milltown Mel was well-known as one of the most accurate groundhogs in New Jersey. In lieu of his unfortunate passing over the summer, Milltown Mel II is stepping up as Milltown’s new HGIC (head groundhog in charge). According to Mel’s owner Jerry Guthlein, the Mels have been friends for years, and hopefully Mel I taught his successor some of his tricks. Guthlein added that Milltown Mel II is “definitely a Jersey groundhog.” He’s got major attitude!

So much so that he’ll be separated from the crowds in a specially made pen located in his tree stump, but he’ll still be held up so that everyone can catch a glimpse of him. Celebrities these days, right? Head to Milltown’s American Legion at the break of dawn (7:18 a.m., to be exact) on February 2 to catch a glimpse of Milltown Mel II in action, and hopefully, get some good news!

Stonewall Jackson III

Stonewall Jackson III hails from a long line of Groundhog Day superstars. His father — and his grandfather before that — made February 2 appearances at Space Farms Zoo & Museum. That’s more than 20 years of Stonewall Jackson predictions in New Jersey. Not too bad, as far as groundhog family legacies go. Though owner Parker Space explained that the unseasonably warm weather might throw his hibernation schedule off a bit, they’ll “dig him out and see what he has to say.” Space Farms, located at 281 County Road in Sussex, will hold their celebration at 9 a.m. on February 2.

Essex Ed

For the past few decades, Turtle Back Zoo has hosted an annual Groundhog Day celebration. All interested are welcome to visit the zoo for the shadow ceremony. Although Essex Ed has been the go-to groundhog as of late, rumor has it that he might be sleeping in this year, and Otis the Hedgehog will step up to the plate for the Simba-style moment. And who knows, with a name like Otis, maybe he’ll belt out a few tunes for the crowd. Visit Turtle Back Zoo at 11 a.m. on February 2 to see not only which furry little guy makes an appearance, but whether or not you’ll be packing away those hats and gloves any time soon.

If you’re looking for some more family-friendly ways to celebrate Groundhog Day, don’t miss our roundup of events that are fun for kids and parents alike!

Hero (Top) Feature Image: ©Brian E Kushner/Dollar Photo Club

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