Home Holidays 4th of July

4th of July

There’s no bigger holiday in our country than 4th of July. Of course, it’s no surprise that Independence Day is such a big deal. After all, it’s not every day that a country earns its freedom and goes on to be a world leader. But what is the best way to celebrate this great day? That’s a question that Best of NJ is here to help you answer.

Our 4th of July article archive is full of event listings, holiday features, local parades, and more. In fact, our website is the best place in New Jersey to find complete, statewide listings for fireworks events. Whether you’re looking for events in North, Central, South, or the Jersey Shore, you can find them all here.

In addition to that, we also have a number of great stories about ways to enjoy 4th of July. For example, we have a feature all about family-friendly events that parents and kids alike will love. But if you’d rather spend the day learning about the history of our great nation, you can do that too. In summary, no matter how you’re looking to spend the day (or weekend), we can help you out.

In fact, for those hosting a cookout at their house, we have some stories for that. As well as a feature all about 4th of July (red, white, and blue) cocktails, there’s more; we also have a cooking guide with homemade recipes perfect for grilling that are sure to delight your guests. Have a safe and fun weekend, folks!