HomeFeaturesBONJ SeriesSmartMusic Technology is Changing the Way Students Create Music

SmartMusic Technology is Changing the Way Students Create Music

Music continues to evolve, in particular, thanks to the continuous development of better technology. Utilizing this technology, musicians are able to improve their skills through a myriad of programs. For example, while some programs assist with music creation, others like SmartMusic help musicians identify when they’re playing incorrectly. Currently, many NJ music programs are adding new technology to their curriculum.

As part of NJTV’s “In Your Neighborhood” series, Steve Adubato, Ph.D, went on-location in Long Branch, Monmouth County. In this episode of One-on-One with Steve Adubato, the host chats with Robert Clark. Clark is the director of bands at Long Branch High School, and is using innovative music technology in his classroom. In fact, this new music software is changing the way his students are creating music.

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How SmartMusic Technology is Improving Music Making in the Classroom

“The classroom is changing,” admits Clark, “and we have to keep up with the changes.”

As technology continues to rapidly advance worldwide, Clark believes classrooms must adapt and make use of it. Specifically, Clark employs the use of a program called “SmartMusic” in his classes.

SmartMusic Music Technology
Special thanks to St. Joseph’s Health for making this video possible.

“SmartMusic is an online tool where we use it to kind of gauge the student’s progress,” Clark says. “They have method books that we used to use—you used to have to go to the music store and buy them. Now they’re all online, and a student can kind of play into the computer. They can play it back; they can maintain it online as a portfolio of their accomplishments; [the program] tells them which notes they’re getting right, which notes they’re getting wrong.”

For Clark, SmartMusic serves a variety of purposes. He seamlessly uses it as an instructional tool as well as a rehearsal tool for his students. There is immediate feedback from the program, so students are able to improve their skills in real time.

Want to see SmartMusic in action? Then check out this episode of One-on-One with Steve Adubato.

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One on One with Steve Adubato
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