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The Best Heart Health Tips for Men and Women

Heart Health

Each February, America celebrates Heart Month to raise awareness about heart health. While taking care of one’s entire body through nutrition and exercise is always important, taking time to focus on the heart is equally crucial; despite it being the hardest-working organ in the body, the heart is often ignored from a health concern standpoint. That’s why Best of NJ has put together a collection of heart health tips for men and women.

The following features cover a variety of heart health topics, from creative ways to get cardio exercise to lesser-known signs and symptoms of a heart attack. We hope they encourage readers to be proactive when it comes to heart health, whether it be through exercise, nutrition or simply inspiring further research. If you’d like to help us raise awareness in support of Heart Month, or heart health in general, be sure to share your favorite article on social media!

The Best Heart Health Tips for Men and Women

A Day with Heart: Healthy Family Activities

Heart Month: A Day with HeartFebruary is American Heart Month, a time dedicated to raising awareness about heart disease and learning ways to prevent it. It’s the perfect month to think about easy ways you can promote healthy living at home. We’ve rounded up some creative ideas for heart-healthy activities, including outdoor fun, healthy foods and volunteering with the family. Read on for four creative ways to spend “A Day with Heart” with your family…

‘Bad’ Foods that are Actually Good for you

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‘Good’ Foods that are Actually Bad for You

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Lesser-Known Symptoms of a Heart Attack (& Stress as a Risk Factor)

Woman Having Heart AttackThe heart. It’s an organ our bodies rely on in order to function properly. It’s also an organ we talk about every day when we think about how much we love our friends, love our dogs and, yes, even love that cookie. Unfortunately, it’s not often enough thought of in the context of heart health, including spotting the lesser-known symptoms of a heart attack. The heart is most importantly an organ that needs to be taken care of…

Yoga at Work: The Best Heart Healthy Poses

Heart HealthIn celebration of heart health awareness month, I’ve put together a heart opening yoga sequence that not only opens the muscles in the chest, but also alleviates shoulder and neck pain, creates space in the side body and calms the mind, heart and soul. These heart healthy poses are a great way to mix up that yoga routine while taking care of your chest. One of the many reasons to focus on opening up the chest is…

Quick and Easy Heart Healthy Breakfast Recipes

Heart HealthWe all know that breakfast is “the most important meal of the day,” right? So rushing out the door with just a hot coffee with cream and sugar in hand does not do our bodies, or our hearts, any favors. Instead, a delicious breakfast filled with heart healthy ingredients is key. Of course, living a busy life means that time is always a factor, which is why we need something that manages to balance being both healthy and quick or easy…

Heart Healthy Versions of Favorite Fatty Foods

Heart HealthFebruary is American Heart Month, a perfect time to pay extra attention to your heart, as well as your heart’s true love. According to the CDC, heart disease is the leading cause of death for men and women across the U.S. All Americans are at risk, as genetics, the environment, and diet all contribute to cardiovascular disease…

Creative Ways to Score a Cardio Workout

Heart HealthWe all know cardio exercise is one of the most effective ways to keep your heart healthy. Cardio exercises — at 30 minutes per day — increase heart rate and allow muscles to pump blood quickly through the body. The common practice of this heightened rate leads to an overall improvement in heart health and a decreased risk of heart attack…

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